Saturday, 12 March 2016

Pain; Reality or Imagination?

                                                                              When you injure yourself, is the pain we feel purely                                                                                a mental reaction or physical?
The injury itself is physical of course, along with the nerves and receptors, but is it possible the feeling of pain is something our brain comes up with? Anaesthesia allows your brain to be shut down however your body still works. So when a surgery is carried out under anaesthesia, the patients body gets injured but they don't feel pain/recognize this injury as “pain” which suggests that it comes solely from our brains, which suggests it is not         “real”. Does anyone else have any thoughts?

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower!

 If you’re budding engineer or architect, then don’t be afraid to start small, or, tall in this case. See if you can beat our 2.23 metre tall tower made of nothing but raw spaghetti and marshmallows! (Hint: make sure to make the base as wide as possible to prevent toppling!